Listen to latest Bollywood music for FREE using Gaana is like Pandora for the Bollywood music fans. It is a feature rich beautifully designed site that supports almost all web formats including HTML5, so you can very well use it on iPad too. For other people including Android users, the site plays in full desktop format and you can pretty much do everything you can do on a computer. [Update: now has an app for almost all platforms – Android/iPhone, Windows 8 etc.]
Instead of creating individual iOS and Android apps the site relies on browser capabilities of the respective devices. Only drawback of this step is that the background streaming is not possible in many cases. As soon as the browser goes in the background, music stops on my Android tablet and smart phone. Apple iPad users also report not being able to skip to the next song in the playlist though current playing song continues to play…something that can be achieved only with a native app. [Update: Now there is an app available, no need to use the HTML5 site]
Nonetheless, can be used on any operating system – PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS or anything else that has browser capabilities.
You necessarily don’t need to create an account to use the site but you will receive a better experience if you link it with Twitter and/or Facebook accounts. You can save your favorite songs, playlist, albums etc. and share them with your friends.
Below are some screenshot images of Windows 8 app in Microsoft Store for Windows:
The best experience of comes in the full screen mode. Full screen mode features a dazzling bar in the center and a moving clock slider. On the side you see recommendations based on the current playing song. You can also like, share or control song on this screen.
After I started using, I almost forgot using Pandora. The ad-free unlimited song plays didn’t leave anything more to ask from this site. If you want to listen to Bollywood music for free and hate Pandora, do check it out and let us know in comment how did you like it. How does it compare to other Bollywood music sites like Raaga, Saavn and all? : Listen to Latest Bollywood songs for FREE anyway you want it : Listen to Latest Bollywood songs for FREE anyway you want it
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